Peru (MTC) prepared a draft standard that will define frequencies and specifications for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), WiFi 6E, High Altitude Platforms (HAPS) and TV White Spaces (TVWS) technologies

On March 13, 2021, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), the telecommunications regulatory authority in Peru, published Ministerial Resolution No. 215-2021-MTC/01, which aimed to submit a draft of Ministerial Resolution that modifies several Notes and the Frequency Attribution Table of the National Frequency Attribution Plan (PNAF), as well as Ministerial Resolution No. 777-2005-MTC/03 in its article 1 and its Annex. In order to receive comments from the general public, it set a term of fifteen (15) calendar days, which expires on March 28, 2021. Opinions, comments and / or suggestions on the Draft Ministerial Resolution must be sent to the headquarters of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, or via email to the address

Highlights contained in the Draft Ministerial Resolution:

  • Proposes to incorporate Note P92A to the Frequency Allocation Table contained in the National Frequency Allocation Plan (PNAF), as well as in Ministerial Resolution No. 777-2005-MTC-03, to allocate the frequency band 5925 – 6425 MHz on a secondary degree for WiFi and other wireless technologies for indoor use without the need for a license; likewise, to establish the technical conditions for its use in order to improve the capacity and speed of telecommunications services and other aspects related to these bands;
  • Proposes to modify Note P23 with the changes that exist to date in the bands that are destined for industrial, scientific and medical applications (ICM), in order to have an updated note and promote better management of the radioelectric spectrum by the industry.
  • It incorporates Note P108A to the PNAF and modifies Notes P68 and P51A, as well as the PNAF Frequency Allocation Table, to assign the 24.25 – 27.50 GHz frequency band for use in International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in order to enable the PNAF frequency band for the use of new technologies and the continuous improvement of services;
  • It incorporates Notes P68A, P68B, P68C, P51B, P92B and P108B to the PNAF and modifies the PNAF Frequency Allocation Table, to allocate on a secondary degree to the fixed service using the High Altitude Platforms (HAPS) to the frequency bands 21.4 – 22 GHz, 24.25 – 25.25 GHz, 25.25 – 27.5 GHz, 31 – 31.3 GHz, 38 -39.5 GHz, 47.2 – 47.5 GHz and 47, 9 – 48.2 GHz in order to enable a scheme that promotes the deployment of telecommunications networks in rural areas or in emergency or relief situations and regulates other aspects related to these bands;
  • It incorporates Note P11B to the PNAF and modifies the PNAF Frequency Allocation Table, to allocate the frequency band 470 – 692 MHz for its assignment on a secondary degree for the use of TV White Spaces (TVWS) technologies, white space of television broadcasting services, in order to enable a technological scheme in the country and thus mitigate connectivity gaps in rural areas.

Regarding WiFi 6E:

Report No. 0192-2021-MTC/26, published by the MTC, shows the study carried out for the preparation of the Draft Ministerial Resolution, it is stated that the MTC proposes as the first regulatory action to release 500 MHz of the 6 GHz band for unlicensed indoor use only, which will be awarded a secondary degree. Therefore, they choose to reserve a portion of this band taking into account that despite the fact that in Region 2 it has only been proposed to consider 100 MHz (7025 – 7125 MHz) for use in IMT technologies, the WRC-23 will reflect the results of studies on the compatibility of the upper part of the 6 GHz band between IMT technology and the services that are currently operating.

In this sense, it is not ruled out that the MTC may subsequently expand the spectrum in the 6GHz Band for wireless technologies for unlicensed use, in accordance with what is established by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), with the position taken in Region 2 and with the development of the telecommunications infrastructure in Peru. Likewise, of the three cases of operation of the 6 GHz band as an unlicensed band, as well as its limitations for outdoor operation and its possible study for a future IMT band in the upper part, a first implementation is proposed solely for its operation. indoors in the 5925 – 6425 MHz band, moving for further analysis the implementation of the other cases of operation.

You can find more detailed information in the documents published by the MTC: