In Colombia, the National Spectrum Agency (ANE) works on the expansion and coexistence of the 900 MHz band for IMT.


On the occasion of the “Call for projects for research aimed at conducting cohabitation studies in the 900 MHz band”, and under the requests received, the National Spectrum Agency (ANE) decided to extend the deadline for receiving proposals until the next twenty-nine (29) January 2021.

As set out in the document “Updating Spectrum Availability Scenarios for the Development of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in Colombia”, it is necessary to carry out coexistence studies, in order to define the technical actions necessary for the operation without interference between the 900 MHz band uplink (894 – 905MHz) and the 850 MHz band downlink (869-894 MHz-Downlink). Such studies should consider actions such as: guard bands, transmission power limits, filters, distance between base stations and interference protection margins, among others.

Of this need, the ANE, considering the importance of joint work between Government-University, as well as the experience and knowledge of universities in research issues, has decided to convene university institutions with the aim of carrying out these compatibility studies in agreement with a university, providing 70% of the project’s funding to the University that complies with the specifications, in accordance with the proposal defined, under the conditions determined and the minimum participation requirements.

We will be attentive to the development of this call and the regulatory decisions arising from the project.

For more information, you can consult the following links:

Institutional news:

Official Call Document: