Chile updates the 6GHz frequency band for the use of WiFi 6

Through exempt Resolution N° 2.844 published in the Official Gazette on September 14, 2022, the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel) of Chile, modified the portion of spectrum for the use of unlicensed services in the 6GHz frequency band, now fixing it between 5925MHz and 6425MHz.

With this decision, the Chilean Administration changes the spectrum allocation criteria that it previously set, when it formally launched the full band of 6 GHz to Wi-Fi through exempt Resolution N° 1.807 published in the Official Gazette on October 22, 2020, where it granted 1200 MHz in the 6 GHz band (5925 to 7125 MHz) for the unlicensed use of Wi-Fi 6.

  Year 2020:     Year 2022:
  Resolution 1.807   Resolution 2.844  
  5925 to 7125 MHz   5925 to 6425 MHz  
  (Modified)   (Current)  

Both Resolutions, No. 1.807 and 2.844, modify Resolution No. 1.985, which dictates the standard for SHORT-RANGE DEVICES. Therefore, it is also highlighted that Resolution No. 2.844, modified the literals “h” and “i” of the SHORT-RANGE DEVICES standard.

It is important to note that the Transitional Provision contemplated in the new Resolution, expressly provides that:

“Applications that at the date of publication of this resolution are being processed by the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications, both for certifications or as part of applications for concession or permit, must be resubmission or supplemented in accordance with the provisions of this resolution.”

To directly consult the official source, you can check at the following links:

  Official Publication of Exempt Resolution N° 2.844:
  Official Publication of Exempt Resolution N° 1.807: